Giuseppe TARANTINO (Palermo, 1916 - Turin, 1999) Figures and wall

€ 150,00

Important relief print, original work by the Palermitan sculptor, painter and engraver Giuseppe Tarantino.

"In 1942 he moved to Turin, where he met and frequented Felice Casorati, Spezzapan, Menzio and Paulucci. In 1946 Casorati organized a personal sculpture exhibition for him at the Bosco Library. Since then he has participated in the most important artistic events, exhibited in numerous personal exhibitions and collective both nationally and internationally."

Graphic work of superb technique, in black and white, with shapes in relief, numbered on the lower left and signed on the lower right.

Titled on the cardboard case "Figure and Wall".

In excellent condition, as shown in the photographs.

Slab dimensions: 32 x 43 cm; print sheet size: 46 x 67 cm.

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epoca: 1972
dimensioni: cm 32 x 43
materiali: Stampa a rilievo
Lo trovi in Prints
quantity 1
reference #27772
Sales information The price of the product is inclusive of VAT and shipping costs. shipping included for Italy
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