Enzo CACCIOLA (Arenzano, 1945) Polychrome Progressive Forms

€ 500,00

Box set from the exhibition of the artist Enzo Cacciola "Forme Progressive Policrome" 1973.

With 1 original signed and numbered screenprint on loose plate, 10 original screenprints (of which 1 on plate, 3 on aluminum and 6 printed white on black), as well as 4 color plates printed in offset.

Cover with silkscreen mounted on aluminum as cover illustration, housed in original printed wooden case.

The engraving on the panel on the cover is numbered 18/100 and signed entirely in the lower right corner.

Aluminum application on the front cover slightly scratched. Wooden box 1 reinforced joint inside. Excellent general conditions.

Wooden box dimensions: 21 x 21 x 2.5 cm.

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epoca: 1973
dimensioni: box cm 21 x 21
Lo trovi in Prints
quantity 1
reference #28565
Sales information The price of the product is inclusive of VAT and shipping costs. shipping included for Italy
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