Elisabeth COUSINET (1726-?), by Claude Vernet - Etching, marine

€ 150,00

Etching and watercolor signed on the plate lower right Elisabeth COUSINET (1726-?).

The print takes a work by Claude Joseph Vernet, an 18th century French marine painter. The scene represents a lively situation near a port, with numerous characters in the foreground viewing the goods.

Just below is the title, Les commer ç ants turcs .

In excellent conservative conditions as shown in the photographs, within a glass frame. There is a stain in the lower right corner and some slight signs of aging.

PLATE DIMENSIONS: 36.5 x 54 cm.



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epoca: XVIII sec.
materiali: Incisione ad acquaforte
Lo trovi in Prints
quantity 1
reference #33484
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