Chicken and Wheatear - Pair of etching and watercolor painted prints of birds - 18th century

€ 400,00

Pair of etched and watercolor painted bird prints dating back to the 18th century.

The works represent the Stelsa swamphen (female species) and the wheatear, both colored in watercolours. At the top of each is the scientific name of the animal in question, both in Italian and in Latin.

Work of great quality and artistic technique.

In good condition, there is a conservative defect in the paper as regards the CDLVII print of the Culbianco, with slight foxing and some slight defects as regards the frame of the same. Boards within a wooden frame with glass.

MATRIX DIMENSIONS: cm 34,5 X 27,5.

FRAMES DIMENSIONS: cm 60,5 X 48,5.


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epoca: XVIII sec.
dimensioni: cm 60,5 x 48,5
Lo trovi in Prints
quantity 2
reference #29199
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