Carlo PERRIN - Departure of the Piedmontese cavalry for the field

€ 100,00

Lithograph in pencil from 1860, with coeval coloring, hand watercolored.

Author engraver: Carlo Perrin

Publishers: C. Perrin, Editori, Turin

Lithograph: G. Perrin

Period: 1860

Title: Departure of the Piedmontese cavalry for the field

In good condition, perfectly legible image, even in the coloring, still perfect, signs of aging are visible, such as the widespread browning of the paper and gore marks at the bottom edge. Within a wooden frame, with glass.


LITHOGRAPH: 15 x 22 cm

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epoca: 1860
materiali: litografia con coloritura coeva
Lo trovi in Prints
quantity 1
reference #16106
Sales information The price of the product is inclusive of VAT and shipping costs. shipping included for Italy
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