Ottorino Campagnari (Mestre, 1910 - Turin, 1987) Alpine landscape

€ 600,00

Beautiful landscape painting by the painter Ottorino Campagnari,

master who brought to life the traditional Piedmontese nineteenth-century art of landscape,

making alpine landscapes a timeless and always fascinating tradition.

Work entitled "Alpine Landscape", painted in oil on canvas, signed lower right, with descriptive cartouche on the reverse.

In perfect state of conservation, free from frame, as shown in photographs.

Dimensions: 40 x 60

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epoca: 1968
dimensioni: cm 40 x 60
materiali: olio su tela
Lo trovi in Piedmontese painters
quantity 1
reference #25422
Sales information The price of the product is inclusive of VAT and shipping costs. shipping included for Italy
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