One hundred tables of the Resta Code

€ 1.100.00

Beautiful reproduction of one hundred plates in the sizes and colors of the originals, many of which are still unpublished, of one of the most famous codices of the Ambrosiana Library.

The choice of the 100 tables by the best artists, the approval of the reproductions and captions are due to Giorgio Fubini, consultant of the Ambrosiana.

The text and description of the tables is in four languages (Italian, French, English, German).

The Resta Code consists of 224 plates with 248 drawings, mostly Italian.

Large folio, (24) intact pages with the portrait of Resta, 100 plates reproduced on cardboard and 2 sheets (table index). Leather binding, 5-ring spine, tops with gold and cold impressions as in the 'original.

Excellent conservative conditions

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epoca: XX secolo
Lo trovi in Old books
quantity 1
reference #32483
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