Antique French chest of drawers with marquetterie move line, gilded bronzes, marble top

€ 750,00 € 1.200,00

Antique French Louis XV style chest of drawers from the first half of the 20th century

Antique French chest of drawers veneered in bois de rose in LOUIS XV style

of the 20th century.

beautiful and harmonious moving line of gilded bronzes

handles and applications in gilded bronze

finely chiselled

the shaped marble top

116 cm wide, 52 cm deep, 94 cm high

Antique French chest of drawers with marquetterie moving line, gilded bronzes, marble top, ANTIQUES FOR SALE IN TURIN

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epoca: XX secolo
dimensioni: largo cm 116 profondo cm 52 alto cm 94
materiali: marquetterie bois de rose bronzi piano marmo
Lo trovi in Chest of drawers and dressers
quantity 1
reference #35066
Sales information The price of the product is inclusive of VAT and shipping costs.
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