Attr. Giovanni BOLDINI (1842-1931) - Chariot with horses, oil sketch on canvas

€ 2.500.00

Sketch attributed to Giovanni BOLDINI ( Ferrara , 31 December 1842 Paris , 11 January 1931 ), an Italian exponent of the Belle Époque known mainly for his female portraits.

The work, in oil on canvas, is believed to be the compositional study of the painting Cart with Horses in Paris near the Porte d'Asnières , currently the property of a private collection. Despite his reputation as an exceptional portraitist, he sometimes outlines scenes that express the life of the time as in the previous example, although this remains an exception of his production.

The work depicts a horse-drawn carriage running on a dirt road, to be considered unfinished due to its formal incompleteness. The author seems to have concentrated on outlining the volumes of the general representation, without dwelling on the color nor on the details.

With just a few lines the artist creates the drawing, enhancing its dynamism, especially by reproducing the running of the animals. Featuring a monochromatic palette, this likely served as the painting's basis for establishing tonal criteria.

In excellent conservative conditions as shown in the photographs, within a frame.


FRAME DIMENSIONS: 66.5 x 112 cm.

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epoca: Inizio XX sec.
dimensioni: 66,5 x 112 cm
materiali: Olio su tela
Lo trovi in Contemporary paintings
quantity 1
reference #31260
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