Green walnut bergère armchair - Early 20th century

€ 300,00 € 550,00

Green upholstered bergère armchair in walnut wood, from the beginning of the 20th century.

Structure in walnut wood with a sinuous line, with sculpted legs and armrests.

In excellent conservative conditions as shown in the photographs. As regards the fabric, there are some signs of wear in the upper part of the backrest and in the contact areas.

DIMENSIONS: width 70 cm, depth 70 cm, height 116 cm, seat 55 cm.

SHIPPING EXCLUDED of 100 euros: excluding disadvantaged areas as per the national courier list.


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epoca: Inizio XX sec.
dimensioni: larghezza 70 cm, profondità 70 cm, altezza 116 cm, seduta 55 cm
materiali: Noce
Lo trovi in Armchairs
quantity 1
reference #35086
Sales information The price of the product is inclusive of VAT and shipping costs.
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