Mario FUMIA (1931-2013) Pasture in Val Rochemolles

€ 800,00

Wonderful autumnal landscape painted at high altitude en plein air, with a majestic alpine peak at the center of the composition.

Work entitled "Pasture in Val Rochemolles" on an adhesive plate affixed to the left front, on the passe-partout of the frame.

The landscape, as suggested by the title, is set in the beautiful and wild Valle di Rochemolles, in the upper Val di Susa.

Oil painting on wood, signed lower right by the Piedmontese painter Mario Fumia.

in perfect state of conservation, within a modern gilded wood frame.

Frame size: 97.5 x 88 cm

Painting size: 70 x 60 cm

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epoca: Seconda metà del '900
dimensioni: Dipinto: cm 70 x 60
materiali: olio su tavola
Lo trovi in Mario Fumia, 6 January 1931
quantity 1
reference #22046
Sales information The price of the product is inclusive of VAT and shipping costs. shipping included for Italy
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